Thursday, December 12, 2013

Roman DBQ

Assignment for December 16

Use a collection of sources to research the following topic (question):

The year 476 CE is usually counted at the year that "Rome fell".  There are many theories as to why the great Roman Empire was taken down by a group of nomadic warriors.  The theories are anywhere from complicated and involved to down right absurd.  Utilize primary and secondary sources to analyze the events of the late Roman Empire and determine what actually caused the "Fall of the Roman Empire".

Be sure to follow the "read like a historian" chart for each document.
Source, Context, Close, Corroboration...
Cite your sources and be careful to determine their reliability.
Remember...not all sources are accurate and you want to be able to discern between good sources of information and poor sources.
Don't forget...primary sources are materials created in the past by the people living at that time.  They can be written documents, drawings, or even archeological objects such as coins.

DBQ assignment:  Refer to Analysis Chart

Essential Question:
Events that I know about:
Facts about the events:
Document A:
Source: “This document is from….  The author probably thought that….


Close Read:

Corroboration:  This document agrees/disagrees with… because….
Document B:
Document C:
Document D:
Document E:

Here are some websites to help you get started.

History of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

The Fall of the Roman Empire

Why did Rome Fall? Weather?   An interesting article that links modern science to the fall of Rome.

Fall of Rome

Fall of Rome 2

Fall of Rome: Fact and Fiction

Remember to use Destiny Quest to  help with research.  This will aid you in finding reliable sources.
2 people - 5 sources...2 primary sources
3 people - 7 sources...3 primary sources
4 people - 9 sources...4 primary sources
more than four?  Divide up into smaller groups

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