Friday, April 24, 2015

World War I: Causes, Course and Consequences

Beginning WWI…Complete these assignments:
Use textbook pages 630 to 635
Assignment #1
Causes of WWI:   Define and explain how each is considered a cause of WWI
1.       Nationalism         2. Militarism       3.  Alliances         4.  Imperialism
Assignment #2
Sequence of events that led to WWI – Research each and give ONE cause and ONE effect in each situation.

1.       Sarajevo
2.       Blank Check
3.       Ultimatum
4.       Russia
5.       France
6.       Germany
7.       Schlieffen Plan
8.       Britain
9.       War Machine

Assignment #3

Explain the reaction to war.  Why were they so eager to fight? What do you predict will happen? Interesting Read:  Read Biography on page 633; examine the chart on page 634

The following power-point are the notes and discussion questions from April 24th thru 30th.
7th block's assignment is the last slide.  3rd and 6th Block must complete questions on slides 3, 6, 7, and 17 - 21.  All classes must do the HW assignment.


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