Tuesday, January 7, 2014

End of Semester 1

Week of Jan. 7 - 14
At home:  Read pages 233 - 253.
Take notes on the importance of the Silk Road.
Who and what moved along the trade routes?  What were the significant consequences of these networks of exchange?

What were the cultural and biological effects of the silk roads?

Read pages 259 - 279
Be prepared to compare and contrast the religions of the world and their impact on regions in which they thrived.
Some suggestions:  Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam

Read pages 281 - 324
Look for examples of cultural exchange, trade and communication routes, and societal growth and change.  How did trade and communication influence cultural and economic change?  In what ways did the societies change?  In what ways did they remain loyal to the classical era?

Again...what role did trade and trade routes play on the exchange of religious and cultural ideas?

Read pages 327 - 347
Take notes on the schism of Christendom.
Describe the Causes and Consequences of the split.

What were the political, religious, and cultural changes and continuities from the classical empires to the post classical empires?
What were the significant cross-cultural exchanges that resulted from the intensification of trade and communication routes?

EXAM...JANUARY 16.  Mulitiple choice and essay question.

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