Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Industry and Business

Today's lesson reviews Chapter 29 - "The Making of Industrial Society"

Be sure to read the "Eyewitness" account on page 651- 652 as well as the Sources from the Past on pages664 and 670.  The objective is to look at how the growth of Industrialism is truly a "revolution" for all of mankind.

While reading pay close attention to the causes and effects of Industrialization.  Look for both good and bad consequences.

Understand the following vocabulary:
Factory System
"big business" and monopolies
social reform
class struggle
trade union
economic interdependence

Assignment:  Create an ACROSTIC poem using the term "Industrialization".  Print the title vertically, letter by letter along the left margin of your paper.  Each letter then becomes the starting point for a word, phrase, or sentence that describes the topic.

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