Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chinese Civilization....Tang, Song, Ming and the Mongols

Tang, Song, and Ming Dynasties of China                                                                 
Tang and Song….

Insert the following:

·         618
·         960
·         Strong military
·         Restored uniform government
·         Faster growing Rice
·         Gunpowder
·         Mechanical clock
·         Foreign trade
·         Paper money
·         Grand Canal
·         Land reform

Describe the social order of Chinese society:

Gentry -

Peasants -

Merchants -

Women –

List several examples of Chinese culture under the Tang and Song Dynasties:

Ming Dynasty came into power after the defeat of the Mongols.  Explain the following:

Restoration of Chinese rule:



Chinese Fleet:

And now....wait for it....


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

African Society

Read pages 171- 175 and take notes using this Graphic Organizer.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa

In this unit we will trace the growth of major Kingdoms in East, West and South Africa.
Our main emphasis will be on the kingdoms of Mali, Songhai, and Ghana as well as the trading states of East Africa.

Text book pages 154 - 170.

Link to more information

Some key terms, people and places that you should know:
Mansa Musa
Great Zimbabwe
Ibn Battuta

Assignment for November 3 and 4
 1.  Identify the four major geographical regions of Africa.  Explain how they influenced African migration and trade.
2.  Describe the resources of Africa that encouraged trade across Africa and with other continents.

Draw an outline map of Africa.
Draw and label the major deserts and waterways.
Draw and label the major trading posts and kingdoms.  Annotate your map with information about the major trading kingdoms.  These should include Mali, Songhai, Ghana, Benin and Hausa.  Also include any major cities of these kingdoms.  Annotations should include important facts...what did they trade?  What influenced them?  Interesting customs.  Leaders.

Locate and label the major trading kingdoms and states of East Africa.  Include Axum, Ethiopia, port cities, and, of course, the Great Zimbabwe.  They should also include annotations.  Annotations should include important facts, trade partners, and the influence of religion.

Write a short summary of how geography and natural resources helped to develop early African societies and how did the kingdoms of west and east Africa grow and prosper.